SALT Deduction Tips for Airbnb Hosts

SALT deductions can provide valuable savings for both businesses and individuals. However, recent legislation has limited the benefits for many. Nonetheless, every taxpayer should take advantage of this still-lucrative deduction. In this post, we’ll cover SALT deduction tips that could deliver big savings for Airbnb hosts. What is a SALT Deduction? For taxpayers that opt […]

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What Are the Best Mortgage Tax Deductions for Airbnb Hosts?

Mortgage tax deductions are one of the most lucrative write-offs available for Airbnb hosts. Today, we’ll show you how you can calculate and claim the valuable mortgage tax deduction. Mortgage Tax Deductions: The Basics Virtually every mortgage borrower can claim deductions relating to their loan. However, you must itemize your deductions to qualify. It’s also […]

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Is HELOC Interest Tax Deductible?

Owning a home comes with many tax benefits, but knowing what is tax-deductible can be a little tricky. It gets even more complicated when you have a mixed- or dual-use property.   We’re going to dive into the HELOC tax deduction for various types of home-sharing properties. What is a HELOC (Home Equity Line of […]

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The Best Airbnb Bookkeeping System

One of the most important aspects of operating a successful Airbnb is bookkeeping. Proper Airbnb bookkeeping can make a difference in your bottom line and help you operate more efficiently. Let’s explore some bookkeeping solutions for Airbnb that will help make you a successful host. Airbnb Bookkeeping Basics One of the most important considerations for […]

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Does High Inflation Impact Real Estate Investments?

JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon directly addressed inflation on a recent earnings call. He stated that, “inflation could be worse than people think,” and “I don’t think it’s only temporary.” Homeowners should pay close attention to Dimon’s insight, as a strong correlation exists between inflation and real estate values. As such, we’ll use this article […]

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Top 5 Tips to Reopen Your Airbnb

With most of the pandemic finally behind us, many places around the country are starting to reopen. With bookings picking up throughout the country, it’s a good time to think about reopening your Airbnb if you have not done so already. After over a year’s hiatus in the travel and hospitality industry, people are itching […]

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