Many lenders offer credit card rewards as an incentive to attract customers. These bonus goodies come in the form of cash, account credits, airline “miles”, and much more. Previously, only […]
How to Access Coronavirus Relief Loans
The coronavirus outbreak brought the U.S. economy to a grinding halt, and the resultant economic fallout devastated the small business community. However, the government recently approved billions in funding to […]
What Is the Head of Household Deduction?
How you file your taxes has a lot to do with how much money you save on your tax bill. The IRS has 5 different filing status options, and you […]
Sharing Economy Income and Social Security Benefits
We’ve been receiving numerous inquiries from people who have Sharing Economy Income and also Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). If you’re on SSD or SSI, sharing economy income can impact […]
Best Time Management Apps for Small Business
Are you missing an important deduction, one that will help you live the freelancing lifestyle from wherever you travel? If you write for others from someplace other than a repurposed […]
How to Calculate Effective Tax Rate
One of the leading questions when it comes to tax preparation is, what determines my tax rate? Tax rate measures the percentage of your income that you pay in taxes. […]
HomeAway vs Airbnb: Which is Better for Hosts?
HomeAway vs Airbnb, which is better? The timeshare industry has exploded over the last several years. Homeshare sites like HomeAway and Airbnb have gained in popularity. Travelers appreciate having flexible […]
The Ultimate Tax Planning Checklist for Homeshare Hosts
Are you ready for this tax year? With the end of the year fast approaching, now is the best time to consider your tax strategy for the new year. By planning ahead, you can maximize your deductions before tax season begins. […]
Qualified Business Income Deduction for Homeshare Hosts
If you are self-employed or work as an independent contractor, tax deductions are really important for lowering your tax obligation. One such deduction that can be of tremendous help is […]
Easy Expense Tracking for Maximum Deductions
Tracking your income and your expenses is the first and one of the most important steps in understanding your tax obligations. Accurately calculating your net income (earnings less deductions) will give you the clarity you need to determine whether you are required to make estimated payments and whether you will be subject to underpayment penalties, for example. Calculating annual income Whether you’re paid hourly, weekly, or receive a fixed salary for the year, knowing how m […] […]