America’s Progressive Tax System: Explained

The U.S.’s progressive tax system charges higher tax rates for higher earners. This system is designed to ensure taxpayers of various income levels pay a fair tax rate at the end of the year. In this article, we’ll explain how the progressive tax system works and show how tax brackets can influence your effective tax […]

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Can Offering Escrow Help Freelancers Land More Clients?

Freelancing has a lengthy set of perks, including the ability to set your own hours, rates, and contract terms. The flexibility is a big plus, but there are downsides too. One of the most common hurdles is reliably securing payments from your clients. Establishing relationships with new clients takes time, and they might not want […]

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NFT Taxes: Everything You Need to Know

Are you new to the world of NFTs? If so, you may wonder about the tax implications of owning and using these digital assets. This blog post will overview how NFT taxes work, including some common tax scenarios. By understanding the basics of NFT taxation, you can better prepare for filing your taxes this year. […]

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Roth IRA for Kids: Rules and Contributions

Most people realize that a ROTH IRA is a good investment that allows retirement funds to grow tax-free.  You can withdraw these funds tax-free in retirement. But what most people don’t realize that you can also start a ROTH IRA for kids. What Is a ROTH IRA for Children? A ROTH IRA for children works […]

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Schedule C vs Schedule E for Airbnb Income

Many things set Airbnb hosting apart from other rental properties. Let’s discuss this big difference: some Airbnbs qualify as non-passive income and are reported on Schedule C.  Furthermore, this post will cover Schedule C vs Schedule E for Airbnb hosts in detail. Schedule C vs Schedule E: What Are They For? Let’s look at Schedule […]

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1099 NEC vs MISC: Key Differences and Uses 

Modern businesses are increasingly relying on independent contractors to fill jobs and essential roles, and 1099 Forms are becoming more and more common on tax returns. However, determining the right 1099 Form to file can be challenging for small businesses thanks to the advent of new form options. So, what is the difference between a […]

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Is HELOC Interest Tax Deductible?

Owning a home comes with many tax benefits, but knowing what is tax-deductible can be a little tricky. It gets even more complicated when you have a mixed- or dual-use property.   We’re going to dive into the HELOC tax deduction for various types of home-sharing properties. What is a HELOC (Home Equity Line of […]

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